What happens when you talk to Career Garage?

Is it some kind of magic? Is it a golden ticket to the job of your dreams? Free money?

What happens when you talk to Career Garage?

Not exactly, no.

The first of our case studies could have you convinced otherwise though…

The subject: a lovely young lady who had been working within the care sector for years. It was all she knew (or so it seemed…)

With a degree in Health & Social care, this was always the career path she was destined to follow. She began her working life within this sector as a carer – and then fast forward a decade or so – to the point where she found herself as a care home manager.

This was no mean feat, and she now had responsibility for all sorts…

From staff management, to rotas and medication, not forgetting the patients.

Oh, and throw in 18 months of a global pandemic whilst you’re at it, with all the death and difficulty surrounding that period of time.

This was a high pressure role, with long hours and little money. Overworked and underpaid, you might say.


Like so many others in this sector, our girl was giving it her best on the daily. All she hoped for in return for this, was the knowledge that she had a reliable income. A safe and secure role. Surely, that wasn’t too much to ask?

Well, as it turns out, it was too much to ask, because one morning, out of nowhere, she went into work to be confronted with the news that she was being made redundant.

Just. Like. That.

Home again, just an hour later, she was understandably shocked. There had been no consultation, and she had no clue that her job was at risk.

Fortunately for her though, and testament to the powers of both word of mouth and networking, this lady’s partner advised her to book a call with Career Garage ASAP.

She did just that, and we had a chat with her just a day later. Yes, the news was still smarting, it was as raw as it comes after all, but we knew it was time to set the sights on something new.

The call consisted of talking about what her options were…

We discussed the things she enjoyed from her time in care, as well as the things she hoped she’d never have to do again!

A little out of the blue (but this is what these calls are for…) there was the revelation that our subject wanted to get into ‘sales…’

A nice broad area then…

This could have meant one of a million different things, and so we discussed branches of sales such as:

  • Door to door
  • Call centre
  • Product sales
  • Commission only

It was during this process of elimination that we realised she had a glaring omission from her CV.

See, working in the care industry wasn’t her only gig, as it happened. She and her fiancé were also running a very successful utilities business alongside their day jobs, yet there was no mention of that anywhere on her CV.

Career Garage suggested changing that, especially with this potential foray into the world of sales looming large…

We managed to fine tune the search down to the more specific field (and Career Garage speciality) of ‘recruitment’ and that’s when the lightbulbs started pinging left, right and centre.

Here’s the advice we gave, in a nutshell…

  1. With no sales experience (WHATSOEVER) listed on the CV, why would anyone consider the subject for a sales role? It wouldn’t make sense for them to.
  2. As she was 50% of a very successful utilities business, with 50 or so partners working beneath her, why on GOD’S GREEN EARTH was that nowhere to be seen on said CV?
  3. As far as Career Garage sees it, this shows potential employers her capability to do something completely different to care. There’s already recruitment there, there’s building a team, nurturing people, leading them too. This stuff should have had its own double page spread on the CV!

The conversation progressed for an hour or so, with more ideas being shared, and then it was down to the subject to start searching and applying.

Whilst she was doing this, Career Garage was only ever a quick call or message away, to provide reassurance that what she was applying for was appropriate, and that the way she was applying for the role was playing to her strengths.

Now, believe what you want about the next part of the story. Golden ticket, magic spells, free money…

…but having been sacked on the Tuesday, and then having a call with Career Garage on the Wednesday, this lady secured 3 Zoom interviews by the Friday of the very same week.

Jump ahead to the following Tuesday, and she had her first job offer!

This was followed by several other follow up interviews, further offers, and another initial interview.

What happens when you call Career Garage then?

Well, for this particular woman (who was sacked on the Tuesday) by the Thursday of week 2 (just 7 working days after losing her job) it meant accepting a recruitment role within the care sector, combining her skills and making the most of her strengths. Nicely done!

Magic? A golden ticket? Free money?

Nah, it’s better than that! It’s Career Garage!

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