You’ve Got the Job…Now What?

Four words that all job hunters long to hear…

“You’ve got the job!”
…but what happens next?

At Career Garage, we love success stories (whether or not we’ve had a hand in them), but we also know just how important it is not to rest on your laurels.
It’s great that you’ve landed that new job, however, there are things you need to do in order to make your transition from one job to the next as smooth as possible.
If you’ve accepted a job having been unemployed, the process could potentially be a little smoother, but there are still some tips here that are pretty pertinent to the process…

Career Garage’s 5 Tips for After You Get the Job

1. Talk to Your ‘Old’ Boss…
However nervous you feel about letting your boss know that you’re moving on, try to put it to one side, you’re not the first person to leave a job, and you won’t be the last. If they’re worth their salt, they’ll be pleased for you (if a little sorry to see you go…)

If they are sorry to see you go, take that as a positive!

If they’re not, it’s clearly the right time to move on.

2. Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork…
Like it or not, there’s going to be a hell of a lot of paperwork coming your way. Hopefully, a lot of it will be online these days, but it still has to get done. If you know that you’re not the most organised, set yourself a day and a time to complete all the transition paperwork.

Leaving it until the last minute is sure to cause unnecessary extra stress in an already potentially stressful process.

3. Leave Positively and Proactively…
This is a strange one, as you may want to drive away from your current job, as fast as you can, without even looking in the rear-view mirror, but bear with us…

…if you pass on your responsibilities and knowledge to the people taking over from you, your name will be held in high regard after you’ve left. You never know when you’ll need someone to do the same for you.

4. Talk to Your New Boss
You might have signed the contract and had your first few conversations with your new employer, but maintaining a good line of contact in the weeks and months ahead of your move is vitally important.

Don’t assume that everything will fall into place without your involvement, and don’t worry that they’ll think you’re ‘too keen…’

For a new starter, there’s no such thing as ‘too keen’.

5. Relax…
If you’ve managed to squeeze in some down time between leaving your old job and starting a new one, well played…

…make the most of that time, however much you have, as things can all feel a bit ‘full on’ once you start somewhere new.

Now that we’ve got the tips out of the way then, and as long as you’ve understood them…
…surely, it’s time to celebrate landing that new job!
So, what are you drinking?

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